Present: Terry VA6TMA, Wayne VE6WEK, Blair VE6AGH, Larry VE6WL, Alan VA6AJM, Penny VA6PJK, Steve VE6SCL, Ron VE6PAP, Barry VE6BGR, Renze VE6DC, Scott VA6JSR, Darnley VA6DVG, David VE6DRL, Kalvin, VE6KRO, Mike VA6PLC, David VA6IRE, Gordon VE6VAL, Peter VA6ARI
Meeting called to order by Ron at 10:05 am, seconded by Terry, all in favour.
Reading of the minutes of October 26 by Peter, no corrections or omissions.
- motion to accept minutes as read by David, seconded by Steven, all in favour.
Treasurer’s Report by Barry.
- major expenditures this month: Solar panels, Mounting and installation, Yaesu repeater, Temp. controllers, fuse blocks, 1000w 12/110v inverter.
- items still required: Battery blankets, Radio heater, Mounting fusing wire, Battery boxes and insulation, Repeater controller.
- total budget was $3,000 and anticipated cost is $2,847.97.
- a replacement solar controller provided by Mike.
- old solar panels are sold.
Repeater Committee Report by Barry
- CAM work being planned for Nov. 23 weekend, weather permitting.
- Scott has donated two large 200 ah batteries.
- David, VE6DRL suggested using coolers for the battery boxes because they are insulated.
- Blair thinks that we are getting tower noise, esp. when it’s windy. We will check all the guy wire ground points.
- coax is spliced in the middle and has a jumper at the top to the antenna. In the future look at replacing coax and jumper.
- Gordon asked about insurance and mentioned an education clause the Medicine Hat club added to their insurance.
Old Business
- Penny reported that the emergency communications. Are ongoing.
- Gary suggested we make a tribute to past and present old-timer ham operators who were instrumental in the early days of the club. Also ongoing
- Future meetings: APRS, Alberta First Responder System.
New Business
- Barry provided a list of radio equipment for sale which will be emailed to the members. Contact him if you’re interested in anything.
- Blair discussed an honorarium for the Rowe family. Blair moved that the executive come up with something like a plaque or certificate and a gift certificate.
- Renze noted that people are using the ham frequencies. Cory has an active file with ISED and RAC.
Move to close the meeting by David at 11:12 am
No meeting on Dec 21. Instead join us at the Coaldale Inn for the Christmas brunch to be held at 10:30 am.