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Month: October 2021

Minutes Oct 8/21

Members present:

  1. Tom B VE6ARG
  2. Stan VE6SWY
  3. Peter VA6ARI
  4. Norm VE6NFW
  5. Mel VE6CU
  6. Blair VE6AGH
  7. Tom M VE6TRM
  8. Robin Perry VE6NX
  9. Garry VE6MV
  10. Renze VE6DC

Call to Order: 8:12 Tom B VE6ARG

Motion to adopt previous minutes: Peter VA6ARI 2nd Norm VE6NFW

Treasurer’s Report: $9,029.81 in the bank adopt Norm VE6NFW 2nd Blair VE6AGH

Repeater Committee: Tower rent to be paid in Dec Batteries topped off with distilled water,solar panels cleaned. And guy wire tension checked Thanks Norm
VE6NFW and Brian VE6LAY

Field Day Committee: N/A

Discussion on Contacts, Conditions and Nets: N/A

Old Business: Our meeting will be on Zoom big thanks to Tom B VE6ARG

New Business: Mel VE6CU Emergency communications group trailer is coming along nicely its almost finished. Will be moving it around to show other clubs
looking for members to help man communications. Club hope’s to have something in place for Christmas.

Round Table: Stan VE6AWY Plans on getting his tower up,working on his inverted V antenna. Would like to help with club repeater
Peter VA6ARI working on his antenna
Mel VE6CU working on the trailer has heat and a/c . Bring your own gear if you want to try out the trailer.
Norm VE6NFW Helping Mel out on trailer and getting things ready for winter.
Brian VE6LAY nothing to report
Blair VE6AGH Working on his ww2 army oss uses 1 Big tube.
Tom M VE6TRM Still working clubs Sunday am net interested in trailer .
Perry VE6NX Busy breaking things..his rotators have a mind of there own.
Renza VE6DC Thanks to everyone who came to the corn roast.
Garry VE6MU Moved his dipole made with stainless steel wire up higher .
Tom B VE6ARG Working on a book in his spare time. Working on castings in black plastic. Playing with HF loops a this time working with HF Butternut and
hexbeam antennas

Motion to Adjourn: 9:02pm

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