Should you wish to join the SAARC, or renew your membership for 2023, we are accepting donations for the amount of $25.00 annually.
NEW HAMS: we offer a free 1-year membership to all new area hams. Please contact and provide your name, call sign, email address and phone number.
Please note, that should you wish to donate any higher amount, the club will gratefully accept this, as a donation toward future club activities, or toward the cost of operating the VE6CAM repeater.
The club accepts donations in the following ways:
- Interact E-Transfers at the address of:
- donations by cheque or money order at the following address:
The Southern Alberta Amateur Radio Club
1085 – Canyon Blvd. W.
Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 5P9
With either method of donation, please include a description of the purpose for your donation and include your name, call sign, email address, and phone number.
If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us at
Thank you for your continued support.