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SAARC Field Day Event 2022

Southern Alberta Amateur Radio Club – Field Day 2022

The Southern Alberta Amateur Radio Club (SAARC) will be participating in the ARRL Field Day 2022 event on Saturday June 25th.

Setup will begin on Friday June 24th at noon and the contest will be concluded by noon on Sunday June 26th.

With the generous offer of Austin VE6QBD and his wife Pam, any interested in attending Field Day, or anyone who is interested in learning more about amateur radio and experiencing what an emergency communications station is all about is welcome to attend.

If you are interested in attending, space will be available for camping at the site. Those wishing to come out for a day trip are also welcome any time they wish.

Please be sure to bring anything which you might require to be self-sufficient during the duration of your attendance such as your food, water and shelter and of course, your radio equipment! Please also make sure that you have sufficient power to run your station and anything else which you require. Portable washroom facilities will be provided on site. If you require special accommodations, please plan accordingly. Please remember that this is actual emergency preparedness.

The SAARC will be providing one dinner on Saturday night. As such, we ask that you inform us at least one week before the event of your attendance either by E-mailing us at or by calling or texting 403-647-2200 or the land line at 403-647-2410 so that Austin and Pam can plan to adequately provide for everyone.

The site is about 2 miles south of the Town of Milk River, on the East side of Highway 4.

Please follow the following directions which Austin has provided>

Access from the highway is opposite the intersection of Highway 501 (which
heads to Del Bonita and Cardston). If coming down from the Lethbridge
area, South past Milk River, turn left at the intersection so as to get on to the dirt road that parallels the highway on the East.

Once on the dirt road, turn left (~ North) and travel 150 (?) meters or so, keeping an eye on our fence on your passenger side, which you will already be following.

First entrance to the property is on your passenger side, and then across a Texas Gate.

Our drive way is somewhat raised from the fields on both sides, and to get to our North field then spot the most level spot you can find and turn into the field there. [The most level spots are mostly at the beginning of the drive way.]

Travel parallel to the drive way for a little bit until you approach a fence and can go no further, and then turn left (~North).

Continuing with the fence on your right, you will soon see some of the neighbor’s hay bales just on the other side of the North fence.

In the corner where our N-S fence meets his, is the gate which one can see in the picture. As you approach that point and look just past his fence you will see some hay bales which he has for his cattle.

I am thinking that most people may park directly facing into the north fence. but keeping the gate area well clear.

The plan is that the field accessed by the gate there will the the main place to set up some antennas. If necessary, vehicles may travel into that field.

The address is: 22029 Highway 4 – SE 15-2-16-W4.

We look forward to Field Day 2022!


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February Meeting for the SAARC

The next monthly meeting of the SAARC will be held on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM.


Come out and let us know what sort of things you would like to see happen this year. We plan to coordinate activities and set club priorities for 2022, so if you have a great idea about something that you want to happen, please come out and let us know! Let us make this year a success!


The meeting will be held on Zoom at:


Meeting ID: 850 8434 4187

Passcode: 040988


Looking forward to seeing you all there.



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Welcome to our new website

Welcome to the new SAARC website. Please be patient while we migrate the previous site and complete construction>

Some functionality may be changed as we complete the site development. Please contact us with any feedback about the new changes.

Thank you for your patience!

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Minutes for Nov 12, 2021

Members present:

    Blair VE6AGH
  1. Karl student
  2. Brian VE6LAY
  3. Robert student
  4. Tom B VE6ARG
  5. Cory VE6COR
  6. Austin VE6QBD
  7. Milt VE6MLD
  8. Norm VE6NFW
  9. Tom M VE6TRM
  10. Gary VE6MU

Call to Order: Cory VE6COR 8:03

Motion to adopt previous minutes: Tom B VE6ARG

Treasurer’s Report: $ 9,029.81 in the Bank

Repeater Committee: Thanks to Norm VE6NFW and Brian VE6LAY for filling the battery’s and cleaning the solar panels.

Field Day Committee: N/A

Discussion on Contacts, Conditions and Nets: N/A

Old Business: N/A

New Business: Austin VE6QBD has agreed to put the club repeater in his name.

2nd Item we need to find a new web site .Cory VE6COR will look into it and get prices.

Motion to proceed Tom B VE6ARG 2nd Brian VE6LAY

3rd Christmas plans Tom M VE6TRM will look into hall prices in Raymond

Round Table: Robert Went to the Edmonton Space and science Center they had
A radio scanner set up and he could listen to local repeaters,sparked his interest
In Ham Radio. Likes the Social Connection with other Hams.
Milt VE6MLD got a A1 -811 Linear Amplifier hopes to get better results working
On nets and down south.
Cory VE6COR Is installing a Python water fall display to show signal strength
Interface with tone receiver.
Austin VE6QBD Working on getting his general class usa ham license back.
Want to get a higher antenna up so he can hit more repeaters.
Brian VE6LAY on my 2 meter mobile and tries to get on the BC 7.100 net in the
Norm VE6NFW Got into radio after watching his dad making contacts with old
tank Radio equipment and CB radios.
Gary VE6MU Got his ham license 1962 His best home made radio antenna was
Made using 3 22ft sections of pipe and moving the up or down using air later
Water he pulled it down and moved to Calgary , Before he could put it up it
Went Missing.
Karl working on getting his ham license just dug a 4ft hole for his antenna plans
To use a inverted V with a ic 775
Tom B VE6ARG Just got a new IC 7610 all mode Transceiver . Just repaired a
Transceiver that used to much power to tune up reminded us to use only low
Power 10 or 15 WATS. Still working on making his blog

Motion to Adjourn: Cory VE6COR 8:56

Presentation: N/A

Next meeting, Dec 10/21

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Minutes Oct 8/21

Members present:

  1. Tom B VE6ARG
  2. Stan VE6SWY
  3. Peter VA6ARI
  4. Norm VE6NFW
  5. Mel VE6CU
  6. Blair VE6AGH
  7. Tom M VE6TRM
  8. Robin Perry VE6NX
  9. Garry VE6MV
  10. Renze VE6DC

Call to Order: 8:12 Tom B VE6ARG

Motion to adopt previous minutes: Peter VA6ARI 2nd Norm VE6NFW

Treasurer’s Report: $9,029.81 in the bank adopt Norm VE6NFW 2nd Blair VE6AGH

Repeater Committee: Tower rent to be paid in Dec Batteries topped off with distilled water,solar panels cleaned. And guy wire tension checked Thanks Norm
VE6NFW and Brian VE6LAY

Field Day Committee: N/A

Discussion on Contacts, Conditions and Nets: N/A

Old Business: Our meeting will be on Zoom big thanks to Tom B VE6ARG

New Business: Mel VE6CU Emergency communications group trailer is coming along nicely its almost finished. Will be moving it around to show other clubs
looking for members to help man communications. Club hope’s to have something in place for Christmas.

Round Table: Stan VE6AWY Plans on getting his tower up,working on his inverted V antenna. Would like to help with club repeater
Peter VA6ARI working on his antenna
Mel VE6CU working on the trailer has heat and a/c . Bring your own gear if you want to try out the trailer.
Norm VE6NFW Helping Mel out on trailer and getting things ready for winter.
Brian VE6LAY nothing to report
Blair VE6AGH Working on his ww2 army oss uses 1 Big tube.
Tom M VE6TRM Still working clubs Sunday am net interested in trailer .
Perry VE6NX Busy breaking things..his rotators have a mind of there own.
Renza VE6DC Thanks to everyone who came to the corn roast.
Garry VE6MU Moved his dipole made with stainless steel wire up higher .
Tom B VE6ARG Working on a book in his spare time. Working on castings in black plastic. Playing with HF loops a this time working with HF Butternut and
hexbeam antennas

Motion to Adjourn: 9:02pm

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2021 Annual Corn Roast

The 2021 Annual Corn Roast was held on Saturday August 28th, 2021 at Renze VE6DC and Annetta’s property off of Hwy 3 just 22 km east of Coaldale.

Everything began at 4:00 and was a wonderful success! There was much discussion and the sharing of stories and eyeball QSO’s along with much consumption of delicious food. We were excited to have our first in-person event since the beginning of the pandemic!

This included a tailgate sale which many attended and much beloved gear was exchanged.

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