Meeting minutes for April 8, 2022:
9 members present
Call to order: Cory VE6COR at 8:11 pm.
Treasurers Report: $8,917.97 in the bank.
Repeater Committee: Site looked over, solar panels are clean and batteries tested and filled.
Field Day: plans are being made.
Round Table:
Blair VE6AGH – Got news a radio club in the U.S. had lots of their funds stolen. Going to flea market.
Renze VE6DC – Joined West Coast contest on 15 meters. His 80 meter antenna is damaged. Will be working on it this weekend.
Stan VE6SYS – Just back from Yuma. Will be going to flea market.
Barry VE6BGR – Still doing inventory. Making plans for the communications trailer.
Tom M. VE6TRM – Stuck at home for 2 weeks. Got Covid after he returned home from Egypt.
Norm VE6NFW – High winds damaged his antenna. Going to flea market, and working on old trunk.
Cory VE6COR – Working on making contacts, 20 watts on 10 meters using a loop antenna.
Tom B VE6ARG – Doing an article on making antennas.
Motion to adjourn: Brian VE6LAY at 8:50 pm.